that lasts for hours. Flower pollen is one the most complex structures
of life on this planet. The inner core of a pollen grain is nature's
perfect whole-food source, containing the building blocks of plant life.
Over 3,000 different life enhancing substances in pollen has been
identified through extensive research.
The fact is, each grain of pollen contains micronutrients that supports optimal health, longevity, and sustained energy.
No other drink product on the market today utilizes this powerful phytonutrient source.
POLLEN BURST AND GREEN TEA - A Winning Combination
Pollen Burst doubles as an effective weight
management tool thanks to the green tea extract. Additionally the green
tea adds an important antioxidant called EGCG to Pollen Burst. Green
tea is also known for it's antibacterial and anti-viral properties,
inflammation and swelling reduction qualities. This natural source of
caffeine (less than half a can of soda) enhances weight management by
decreasing appetite and supporting optimal metabolic function.
Continue reading at the link below to learn about other benefits from drink Pollen Burst.
Nutritional Drink -Pollen Burst All The Way! - Syndication Express
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