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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Syndication Express Newsletter - April 2020

Syndication Express Newsletter - April 2020

Syndication Express is a social media platform for bloggers, article writers and authors. Your blog posts will get syndication on all the major social media sites giving you massive exposure and branding. Additionally community members are encouraged to read, comment and share network members blog posts to the various social media and bookmarking sites for SEO purposes. When each member shares the blog posts published here they will receive branding online, more exposure for the blog posts, social signals for the blog posts, one way backlinks for SEO and targeted traffic

April Highlights:

Featured Member for the week of April 26 - May 2, 2020
Tom Riach

Top Blogger: Tom Riach 

Top Video Contributor: George Pierce

In this edition I will be discussing the power of Syndication Automation for our members on Syndication Express.

Syndication Automation will give you exposure, one way backlinks for SEO, branding online and new followers on all the social media sites when you learn how it will work for you.

Additionally all members that publish a blog post in the Syndication Express platform will be shared automatically on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Pinterest. 

You can learn more about Syndication Automation when you join Syndication Express. Membership is free. 

Read the TOP Blogger Tom Riach recent blog post. 

Check out the videos added on Syndication Express!

View George Pierce recent video below.

Solve the Puzzle to win banner advertising

The first person to guess the correct answer for the puzzle will win banner advertising (468x60) on the site for one week.
Your banner advertising will be displayed at the top for all members and non-members to see.

One more thing before I go, I am pleased to announce that I have added the Facebook comments plugin to the site. This will allow members and non-members to leave a comment on blog posts, articles and videos using their Facebook account. This means more exposure and traffic for the content (blog/article content and videos). Basically you'll recommending content to your followers on Facebook. This is branding your name online using SE members content. It's a win win and the more you do it, the better it is for you. 

I thank you for taking the time to read the Syndication Express Newsletter. 

I will see you this time next month. 

Wishing you peace, happiness and prosperity.

Terri Pattio
Syndication Express Founder