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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Syndication Express - Check Us Out, We Are Growing Daily

Syndication Express Community News

There are 74 members
New members this week - 9
Videos - 104
Forum post - 50
Blog post - 292
Photos - 83


Featured blog post titled Study Links Brain And Kidney Function
Written by Dr. F Gianmichael Salvato

Decreased kidney function and cognitive disorders are linked, according to a study conducted at Temple University. Professor Adam Davey, of the College of Health Professions and Social Work, reports that this joint study, executed at Temple University, University of Maine and the University of Maryland, was the first of its kind, and uncovered a lot that was previously unknown about the link between renal function and cognitive function.
The study describes multiple changes in a person's brain function, including abstract reasoning and verbal memory. It revealed that the greater the level of decrease in kidney function, the greater the decrease in overall cognitive functioning, particularly in those two areas (abstract reasoning and verbal memory).

"The brain and kidneys are affected by the cardiovascular system," Professor Daveys says, "The are affected by things like blood pressure and hypertension, so it it natural to expect that changes in one organ are going to be linked with changes in another."

This study is important because it underscores the importance of diagnosing and managing chronic kidney disease, as well as the extent of decrease in cognitive functioning.

"As we get older, our kidney function tends to decrease naturally, so if there is an extra issue involved in renal function, like chronic kidney disease, we need to know about it as soon as possible," Dr. Daveys explains.

This study is also significant in my opinion, because doctors noting a decrease in a patient's cognitive functioning may now be more inclined to check their kidney function, possibly heading off disease and imbalances earlier, making it easier to maintain health.

Several months ago, I placed one of my students, a middle-aged woman, in her fifties, who has lived with chronic kidney disease for years, as a result of diabetes, and who has suffered from a significant loss of cognitive function, particularly with regard to recall and comprehension of the written word, on a new all-natural protocol, called Laminine, so that we could closely monitor her response to this holistic therapy.

Laminine was developed, based on the research of Dr. John R. Davidson, a Canadian physician, who was using a special avian egg-extract to put children and adults with certain cancers into what appeared to be complete remission. Some eighty years later, significant advancements in science and medicine led a Norwegian research scientist to further develop and perfect the formulation, which is now available as a whole-food supplement.
Upon beginning the protocol, Mary's kidney disease was considered irreversible by the nephrologists treating her.
On January 3rd, 2013, Mary's creatine level was at 1.94/mg/dL . After three weeks on Laminine, her body began to respond, and began healing itself (the Laminine simply gave her body what it needed to stimulate the stem cells to begin doing what they needed to do to turn this condition around. Her BODY, not the product, was doing the healing.)

On January 24, 2013, her creative level is down to 1.43/mg/dL ! That's a 35% reduction in dangerous creatine levels. Normal levels of creative are between .5 and 1.1/mg/dL, so she's well on her way! Her glomerular filtration rate (GFR) - a test used to check how well the kidneys are working - was at 26/mL/min/1.73 m2 on January 3rd, and on January 24th, had improved to 38mL/min/1.73 m2. Healthy function is >60mL/min/1.73 m2. That represents a 42% increase in her kidney function!
And as expected, with those incredible results, her blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels decreased from 23 to 16, during the same three week period. A blood urea nitrogen, or BUN test reveals important information about how well your kidneys and liver are working. Normal levels of BUN are between 10 to 20 mg/dL for an adult, meaning Mary's now in the normal range.
Her cognitive function seemed to improve as well. This is wholly consistent with the study, which followed 590 people, over a five year period of time.
It therefore becomes very clear that this all-natural protocol is something than every adult, over the age of 40, cannot be without. And it's the reason we've created a short informational webinar, which explains what Laminine is, and how it works in helping your body to create homeostasis.
It represents a significant breakthrough in the field of wellness, because there is not another product in the world today, which stimulates and contains fibroblastic growth factor (FGF2) -- a constituent component in the body's ability to grow and heal, which the body stops producing when we're still a youngster. A powerful adaptogen, Laminine restores imbalances in the body's amino acid assay, stimulates the production of undifferentiated (unprogrammed) stem cells, and gives the body the balanced nutrients and micronutrients essential to healing and regeneration.

It came as no surprise, when we were seeing people with diabetes, chronic fatigue, neurological disorders (including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases), fibromyalgia, chronic pain and inflammation, migraines, depression and sleep disorders, reporting astounding results on this protocol, but it was when we saw the clinical results with chronic kidney disease that we realised this was going to be the breakthrough wholefood discovery of the 21st century.
You can view the video I did on the protocol here:
The Research findings were published in the medical journal, Nephrology Dialysis Tranplantation. (Decline in Renal Functioning is Associated with Longitudinal Decline in Global Cognitive Functioning, Abstract Reasoning, and Verbal Memory; cf:

Please note:
Statements found on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information and videos we share is meant to be used for educational and informational purposes only, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This site contains information which is for informational purposes only. It does not constitute medical advice and makes no warranties as to fitness for any particular purpose. Users should consult a health professional about any information presented here to determine its suitability.

Check out Dr F Gianmichael Salvato profile on Syndication Express and read his other blog post. 

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I am so very excited with the growth and progress of Syndication Express. All the people here in this community are my friends. They all have great writing skills and I am learning new many things everyday.  YOU learn something new everyday, and when you stop learning then you stop progressing in your life and business. It's a great thing to grow as technology changes so you can keep up.

My motto is to  "Listen, Learn and Live in the now." It makes perfect sense to do this because if you don't then your success will not happen for you.Whatever business you are in, you must have a Mentor that will hold you accountable so that you can reach your goals in your business.

Here's another one I want to share with you.
The biggest reason for failure, people are not humble enough to recognize they don't know everything. 

Syndication Express is a community of like minded professional people.We don't spam each other with business opportunities. The purpose of the site is at the top of this blog for the world to see. We are bloggers and article writers. The focus of Syndication Express is for all members to get blog backlinks, content syndication, social signals, and free traffic from the search engines.

It is working very well here and I expect this to continue. Have you noticed the ads in the sidebar? They are member's banner ads about their business. 

This is:
TARGETED Traffic Worldwide - PROMO Friday. Each week our member's submit a banner or text ad which will be posted here on the Syndication Express blog for the world to see.

Check out the video ==> [PROMO Friday]

Join Syndication Express now. I would love to meet and get to know you. 

Terri Pattio
Creator of Syndication Express
MLM Coach
Mentor with a servant's heart
"Listen, Learn and Live in the now"

Monday, March 18, 2013

Syndication Express - We're Celebrating, Come Join Us

Featured blog post titled "How To Increase Your Exposure And Traffic"
Written by Joan Harrington

Do You Want To Increase Your Exposure And Traffic?

How To Capture Your Readers Attention And Increase Your Exposure

Do Your Titles Speak to Your Readers?

Or do they merely whisper of the content that your article delivers, or does it catch your reader’s attention and immediately highlight what’s already on their inquiring mind?

Think about what your audience is looking for

Your job now is to show them what you’re serving up with a clear picture of what they’re about to digest.
 “Your title should be the tasty morsel that will have them exclaiming “love at first bite!”…..says Vanessa, Editorial Manager,Ezine Articles.

 Titles are important and they need to “stand out” .

You have the opportunity to assert yourself and your brand, and your title is the first impression you make.
Your readers are choosy in their quest for good, juicy tidbits of info.

 4 Tips You Need To Remember When Creating Your Title

1.  Avoid spammy, keyword stuffed titles.
  • A title that’s grammatically correct will reach your reader much better than one that’s bogged down with junk.

2.  What’s your point?
  • Is it dull or sharp?
  • Try to express in as few words as possible what your article is about.
  • The first few words your reader sees will determine whether they continue on to view your content or simply pass up your article.
3.  Tell the truth.
  • Deliver on your title’s promise and build trust with your audience.

4.  Be clear and transparent.
  • Is your title squeaky clean or is it cluttered?
  • Don’t trip up your reader with a confusing title.
 If you enjoyed these 4 ways to help you increase your exposure and traffic and found TONS OF VALUE, please take a moment and share with all whom you feel would benefit…..Thank You!

Sharing Is Caring!
To Your Success,
Joan Harrington
Click here to see Joan's profile on Syndication Express


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On March 8, 2013 Syndication Express celebrated it's fourth month as a social network of professional article, writers, bloggers and authors. This is truly a celebration for me because all of my goals have come true.

I look forward to seeing the growth of this site each month. My main goal is for all the members here to be on the first page of Google and the other search engines.

This will work since it is a fact that the search engines are focusing more on social signals. What it means is, when your receive Facebook likes on your website, plus ones on Google, tweets and retweets on Twitter. The search engines are relying on public interest and high quality blog backlinks is still part of the equation.

This is why I created Syndication Express. We can do this when we work together as a community. Also we can learn a lot from each other because we are unique and have special talents to share.

What is your talent? Please come share it with us and let's all help each other to reach our goal by using blog syndication, caring and sharing information so that we can be number ONE on Google.

Come be a part of a fast growing community of like minded professional bloggers, article writers and authors. 
Join Syndication Express today.

Terri Pattio ~MLM Coach/Mentor with a servant's heart
Creator of Syndication Express



Sunday, March 3, 2013

Syndication Express - Bloggers, Article Writers And Authors Are Welcome.

Syndication Express Community News

There are  64 members
Videos - 92
Blog post - 221
Forum post - 48
Photos - 59

Featured blog post titled Simplifying Relationship
Written by Ron "Simplified" Meyers

Do you know we have made relationships seem so complicated? People are writing books. We have shows that are called “reality” which the correct name should be “Unrealistic TV”.

Relationships are real simple. If you wink, wave, shake hands or just walk past someone, you just had a relationship. Now these may be shallow relationships, but they are relationships. It is an interaction with another. It is that simple.

Now if you want to go deeper because this explanation is too simple, let’s take the word “relate” which is what a relationship is.

Tony Robbins teaches there are 6 human needs. Not wants, needs. We all have different priorities for the 6 needs and we have different ways about achieving the 6 needs. So if we all have the same 6 needs, then again, we are already related.

The reason people have relationship issues are; they spend too much time trying to prioritize other people’s needs for them. No one was born to please you. They are here to travel their own path.

As you watch them and get to know them, you get to “decide” if you want to continue to go down the same path as them. If you don’t agree with them and travel that path with them anyway, don’t blame anyone but yourself for having a frustrating life. You are always in control of your decisions and your emotions.

I know, “I can’t control my emotions”. Yes you can and by the way, “You do”, by the way you think. I am not going to cover emotions here because that is another conversation.

Quit making relationships complicated. Allow people to be themselves and then spend your time with the ones that are attending the same party you want to attend.

It ain’t right. It ain’t wrong. It’s just my opinion.

Your Uplifting Partner
Ron “Simplified” Myers

Many thanks to Ron "Simplified" Meyers for sharing his wisdom with us. CONGRATULATIONS on having your blog post featured on the Syndication Express blog for many more to see. I wish you continued success in all you do in your life and business.

Your friend Terri Pattio
YOU can check out his profile on Syndication Express and see more of his brilliant post.

Click here to see Ron's profile.


PROMO Friday is where Syndication Express member's
post ads about their business
Take a look at the video below to learn more about it.

Click here to view it now


A new hashtag was created for Syndication Express, so if you would like to see what's happening in the community, you can use #secontentnetwork  in the Twitter search engine and join in the conversation on Twitter land.

You are welcome to Join Syndication Express and be a part of this growing community of bloggers, article writers and authors. We help each other by reading, commenting and sharing to the various social sites. This gives you viral exposure, social signals and blog backlinks for SEO link building purposes.

You are invited to Join Syndication Express today. 

Terri Pattio - MLM Coach/Mentor with a servant's heart
Creator of Syndication Express 
"Listen, Live and Learn in the now"